Peppermint Oil, also known as Mentha x piperita oil, is an essential oil. This oil is steam distilled from the leaves of peppermint plants.

Behale sources its Peppermint Oil from South Africa and India.

Peppermint Oil is rich in menthol. Menthol can cause a burning sensation on the skin when used in high concentrations. When used in low concentrations, Peppermint Oil is perfect for massage blends. The menthol in Peppermint Oil will create a cooling and numbing sensation which can relieve sore muscles. This oil can also increase circulation when used in massage blends. Dilute Peppermint Oil with a carrier oil before topical use.

Behale Organic Peppermint Oil has a strong, rich mint note. This oil blends well with Geranium Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosemary Oil. Peppermint Oil's pleasant scent makes it perfect for diffusers.

Behale Organic Peppermint Oil

Behale Organic Peppermint Oil 10ml $12.95

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